But I am caught out. The title of this blog site is misleading in the extreme. It purports to think lofty thoughts about nature and art. Not even close. If you start searching by subject category, it turns out that four years of writing essential details the absurdity of my life and my total inability to dominate animals. Yes, there are nods to art - size/subject matter(portraits, still life) shape and size considerations; a bit of technical advice in alla prime/glaze oil/underpainting/palette — but by far the most blogs show up under “The Human Comedy” or just plain “Animals.”
I should have titled it “More Bathos than Pathos!”
On the plus side, I have updated the gallery website, which badly needed it. Far more exciting is having figured out today how to embed YouTubes in the blog. I had only two but it bugged me that I had to post the url instead of including the video; now there is a YouTube category. So if you are feeling rapturous, click on “Murmuring and Gasping” (October, 2014) to find a gazillion starlings flying to Pachelbel. If, on the other hand, you just want a giggle, choose “Pit-a-Pat” (March 2017).
Do not expect to find any video of me painting. Nobody has that much patience.