So it came as something of a surprise on Saturday morning when I stood up after cleaning the bathtub and rotated right into the end of the bathroom door. We’ve been living here for over a third of a century and cleaning the tub is something I have done before. But that cursed door has been playing the long game, patiently waiting decades for me to drop my guard. I slammed into it so hard that my first thought was about teeth — my original and very expensive teeth. Use them every day, as a matter of fact. They were fine but my forehead was another matter.
Naturally I had screamed bloody murder. Windows cracked and the dishes rattled. I sat down on the bathroom floor to wait for Jon, who would certainly thunder up the stairs and comfort me. Nothing. Holding a rapidly swelling goose egg, I staggered down, whimpering. Nothing. Finally the hum in the TV room led me to find my beloved, who was wearing his new noise-cancelling headphones and cheerfully peddling away on his Tacx bike trainer. Boy, those suckers really work. He eventually noticed me.
So a word of advice if you are in the market: if you are buying noise-cancelling earphones for yourself, do so by all means. I understand they reduce stress.
But you might want to rethink their suitability as a gift item.