This may seem trivial for those of you with decent nails. However, spare a tear for those of us who lack them. Or those who need reading glasses. I have to check both boxes. So these ubiquitous limpets conjure a sticky future - one filled at worst with mouthfuls of plastic or at the very least with inevitably tattered fruit. And in some indefinable way, these tiny aesthetic insults add up.
Which brings me to my question. This painting is of a detail from Rita and John’s magnificent pear tree. We have feasted on many a juicy delight from this tree. Should I, must I, now go back and paint tiny barcodes onto their charming rumps? (Yes, I know you know I am talking about the pears.) More troubling, might our own rumps be next? The barcode police are massing at the barricades…. It’s only a matter of time.
Oops, been watching too much American political theatre. Phew. What a relief to remember that we live in Canada.