It's small comfort to be able to pinpoint the day I injured my favourite elbow. Last August we were paddling a calm river; as usual I was in the bow. Easy peasy. The next day it was painful to bend my right arm. Almost a year later it still hurts! While I admit to a history of self-inflicted injuries, I used to be able to count on a quick bounce-back. For example, some time ago I found myself at the physiotherapist's office after a sore shoulder failed to heal in a week or two. Jon had sweet-talked me into paddling the river, which remained open that February, and of course I had hurt myself. The amiable physio asked me the standard question: how I had injured myself? I explained. Horrified, he asked why on earth I would have agreed to do that. The truth will out: I explained that Jon had assured me that vigorous paddling would give me big breasts. The physio took a few moments to digest that and then said, "Well, maybe one."
The point here is that he fixed the shoulder. I might have been lopsided but at least I had no pain. Now I am down two for two. Just shoot me.
I'm posting the grisaille with the full range of values. Tomorrow, COLOUR!